Agilix Solutions | Facility Safety

Preventive Maintenance is Critical for Switchgear

Agilix Solutions | Switchgear Maintenance & TestingElectrical systems are essential to almost every other system a building has, and maintenance is required to keep them running properly.  All electrical equipment eventually reaches the end of its useful life.  Well-maintained equipment lasts 35 years on average, as opposed to 17 years for unmaintained equipment.

The supply chain issues that have plagued nearly every industry over the past three years continue to impact the availability of switchgear components. Current manufacturer lead times on many components are anywhere from weeks to years long.

Agilix Solutions represents numerous manufacturer partners who can help you prolong your distribution switchgear or identify your potential issues. Our goal is to help you expand the lifespan of your existing switchgear if you are not in a position to fully upgrade at this time.


How We Can Help

In addition to a Switchgear Assessment, Agilix Solutions can connect you with a variety of services from our manufacturer partners designed to help you prevent emergencies and ensure your facility is ready when a failure does occur.

  • Thermography Services – Thermography assessments can be invaluable for visualizing normal and abnormal heat patterns caused by poorly functioning products or applications in your switchgear and power distribution system. Assessments are performed by an Agilix Solutions resource, who has completed Thermal/Infrared Thermography Level 1 Certification through the Snell Group’s 34-hour course of study conforming to the guidelines of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) SNT-TC-1A (2006). Each has also completed an NFPA70E Electrical Safety and Arc Flash Compliance course.
  • Critical Spares Inventory – In a time like this, when all the equipment you’d need to get back up and running is already on backorder, you can’t afford to wait until you need a product to order it. Agilix Solutions can work with you to identify the most at-risk components in your critical power system and ensure you have ample critical spare inventory to minimize downtime and cost in the event of a failure.
  • Arc Flash Studies and Mitigation – We work with our partners to facilitate arc flash studies that expose hazards, create a game plan for reducing the risk of arc flash incidents, and help you develop a plan to remain compliant with workplace safety regulations.
  • Breaker Retrofitting – The supply chain challenges we’re facing have contributed to breaker retrofits becoming a popular option among customers. A retrofit involves only replacing the sections of your switchgear setup that are at risk, leaving conduit and cabling in place. You retain your infrastructure while getting your outdated components upgraded.
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