In a rapidly changing world, adopting the latest technology will only take you so far. Your real competitive advantage depends on your team’s ability to learn, pivot, adapt, and adjust. Agilix Solutions is your training partner, ensuring your team has the skills and knowledge they need to take advantage of constantly evolving technology and practices.
We offer a wide variety of training options to help customers implement and improve the value of automation, datacom, electrical supply, power transmission, and safety investments.
We offer courses to equip your team to realize the full capabilities of the technology that drives your operations. Courses are designed to align with specific job functions and focus on applicable job tasks.
Our diverse training offering includes:
As the industrial landscape shifts, the complexity of the operational and technical systems your team is responsible for must keep up. Agilix Solutions is here to provide training options that bridge the industrial skills gap for you and your team.
Rockwell Automation is known for its role as an innovator in the ways work gets done on the plant floor. But they’ve also become a leader in providi [...]
Read MoreIt’s just about that time of year again! The Automation Fair® Event, presented by Rockwell Automation, is coming back to Chicago this November. Aut [...]
Read MoreBy the year 2025, 2.7 million baby boomers are expected to retire, and 2 million jobs are expected to go unfilled. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pan [...]
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